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Loan Resources

Red - Residential

RedZed are self-employed specialists and the principal sponsor of the Melbourne Storm. They have a friendly Accountant's Declaration and use common sense with assessment and exit strategies.

Key Features

  • Good Vacant Land Rates & LVR's
  • 80% Altdoc - No Risk Fee - 30 year terms.
  • Unlimited Cash Out - Form required >$500k
  • No Credit Scoring or CCR.
  • Diminishing Clawback @ 4.16% per month
  • Quick Processing.
  • Got a DA? No problem.
  • ATO debts OK on SE Prime - unlimited.
  • No Early Repayment Fee on Company Loans (resi securities)
  • Altdoc & Full Doc SMSF Loans
  • No ETF on SMSF Loans (resi or commercial)
  • No Clawback on SMSF Loans (resi or commercial)


100% Income Guide

Digital Signature User Guide

Red Diminishing Clawback - SE Prime Products

Red IDverse Help Guide

Red Postcode Tool Link


Red SMSF Parameters

Red SMSF Product and Rate Guide

Red SMSF Structure Guide


Cash Out Purpose Declaration (>$500k)

Red Accountants Declaration

Red Allstate Privacy Consent Form

Red Applicant Impact Statement (case by case if relative)

Red Application Form Residential

Red Borrower Redraw Authority

Red Commercial Application Form

Red Customer Identification Form

Red Residential Supplementary Pack

Red Self Employed Declaration

Red VOI Identification Australia Post

Covid Updates

Red COVID-19 Update (case by case if relative)

Fact Sheet

Red Recharge AltDoc Fact Sheet

Red Recharge FD Fact Sheet

Red Recharge Land Altdoc Fact Sheet

Red Recharge Land FD Fact Sheet

Red Reward AltDoc Fact Sheet

Red Reward Full Doc Fact Sheet

Red Reward Land Altdoc Fact Sheet

Red SE Prime Altdoc Fact Sheet

Red SE Prime Fact Sheet

Red SE Prime XL- Jumbo Altdoc Fact Sheet

Red Solutions Short Term Fact Sheet

Red Super Resi SMSF Altdoc Fact Sheet

Red Super Resi SMSF FD Fact Sheet

Red XPAT FD Fact Sheet


Red Servicing Calculators