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Loan Resources

RedZed - Commercial

Altdoc, Full Doc or LeaseDoc facilities to 75% LVR with 30 year terms in Cat 1 & 2 locations - including some credit impairment. Need a short term loan (6 mths - 2 years) in Cat 1 Metro location with an Exit Strategy - we have a Solution for you!

Key Features

  • 75% LVR
  • 30yr terms improves cash flow.
  • No Risk Fees.
  • Set & Forget Facility
  • No Reviews!
  • No Revaluations!
  • No Fixed & Floating Charges!
  • Some specialised security considered for low LVR.
  • Cash Out available.
  • Some credit impairment considered.
  • ATO debts can be refinanced.
  • No Clawback on Commercial Loans.
  • No ETF on SMSF Loans (resi or commercial)
  • Red Solutions - Short Term (resi or comm) - Max 2 Yrs | $7m.


Cash Out Purpose Declaration (>$500k)

Red Accountants Declaration

Red Allstate Privacy Consent Form

Red Applicant Impact Statement (case by case if relative)

Red Commercial Application Form

Red Customer Identification Form

Red Self Employed Declaration

Red Supplementary Pack Commercial

Red VOI Identification Australia Post

Fact Sheet

Red Commercial - Unacceptable Securities

Red Commercial LeaseDoc Fact Sheet

Red Commercial Prime Altdoc Fact Sheet

Red Commercial Prime FD Fact Sheet

Red Commercial Reset AltDoc Fact Sheet

Red Commercial Reset FD Fact Sheet

Red Solutions Short Term Fact Sheet

Red Super Comm SMSF Altdoc Fact Sheet

Red Super Comm SMSF FD Fact Sheet

Covid Updates

Red COVID-19 Update (case by case if relative)


Red IDverse Help Guide

Red Postcode Tool Link


Red SMSF Parameters

Red SMSF Structure Guide


Red Servicing Calculators