Contact Us 1800 101 368

RedZed – Commercial

Altdoc, Full Doc or LeaseDoc facilities to 75% LVR with 30 year terms in Cat 1 & 2 locations – including some credit impairment. Need a short term loan (6 mths – 2 years) in Cat 1 Metro location with an Exit Strategy – we have a Solution for you!

Key Features

  • 75% LVR
  • 30yr terms improves cash flow.
  • No Risk Fees.
  • Set & Forget Facility
  • No Reviews!
  • No Revaluations!
  • No Fixed & Floating Charges!
  • Some specialised security considered for low LVR.
  • Cash Out available.
  • Some credit impairment considered.
  • ATO debts can be refinanced.
  • No Clawback on Commercial Loans.
  • No ETF on SMSF Loans (resi or commercial)
  • Red Solutions – Short Term (resi or comm) – Max 2 Yrs | $7m.

Red – Residential

RedZed are self-employed specialists and the principal sponsor of the Melbourne Storm. They have a friendly Accountant’s Declaration and use common sense with assessment and exit strategies.

Key Features

  • Good Vacant Land Rates & LVR’s
  • 80% Altdoc – No Risk Fee – 30 year terms.
  • Unlimited Cash Out – Form required >$500k
  • No Credit Scoring or CCR.
  • Diminishing Clawback @ 4.16% per month
  • Quick Processing.
  • Got a DA? No problem.
  • ATO debts OK on SE Prime – unlimited.
  • No Early Repayment Fee on Company Loans (resi securities)
  • Altdoc & Full Doc SMSF Loans
  • No ETF on SMSF Loans (resi or commercial)
  • No Clawback on SMSF Loans (resi or commercial)